SSL Pinning bypass automation using Frida

Kapil Verma
2 min readFeb 24, 2023


Frida-SSL Pinning Bypass Automation

Here is an automation script, well it’s not very mature but still it works with some help from the user:

Copy and paste the below code and save it as a .py file name it whatever you want and run, but here is the catch you will still need the universal_root_ssl_bypass.js file or may be what you can do is get any frida bypass script and modify the python script below accordingly.

Anyway, do let me know if you need the frida js script too. I will try to include that in the next post and embed the link here in this post.

import os
import subprocess
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import shutil

print(f”This script is used to automate a complete process of SSL Pinning and Root Detection Bypass.”)
print(f”The Pre requisites for this script are as follows:”)
print(f”The universal_root_ssl_bypass.js should be in this folder”)
print(f”Nox player should be turned on and root should be on”)

# Function to get the package name of an APK file
def get_package_name(apk_path):
package_name = subprocess.check_output([‘aapt’, ‘dump’, ‘badging’, apk_path]).decode(‘utf-8’).split(“package: name=’”)[1].split(“‘“)[0]
return package_name

while True:
apk_path = input(“Enter APK file path (or ‘quit’ to exit): “)
if apk_path == “quit”:

# Check if the APK file exists
if not os.path.isfile(apk_path):
print(f”File ‘{apk_path}’ does not exist.”)

# Ask user to enter the path of the APK file
#apk_path = input(“Please enter the path of the APK file: “)

# Get the package name of the APK file
package_name = get_package_name(apk_path)

# Print the package name
print(“Package name:”, package_name)

# Running Nox
#print(f”Opening Nox Player hoping you have the nox.exe in the C:/Program Files (x86)/Nox/bin/Nox.exe Path if not keep it here or modify the script to give correct path”)[r”C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nox\\bin\\Nox.exe”])

# Run the adb shell command to connect to the device
print(“Connecting to device with adb shell…”)
adb_process = subprocess.Popen([“adb”, “shell”], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)

# Once connected to the device, navigate to the /data/local/tmp directory
print(“Navigating to /data/local/tmp directory…”)
adb_process.stdin.write(b”cd /data/local/tmp\n”)

# Run the frida-server-andro command using the ./frida-server-andro syntax
print(“Starting frida server…”)

# Use frida to run the ssl-pinning script
print(f”Running frida with {package_name} and ssl-pinning script…”)
frida_command = f”frida -U -f {package_name} -l universal_root_ssl_bypass.js”, shell=True)

print(“Exiting script.”)

