flaws.cloud walkthrough | AWS penetration testing — Level-5

Kapil Verma
Dec 21, 2021




So, Well, I tried to access the /proxy/ to get the meta data, I was able to browse to a lot of hidden folders and sub folders.

One of them looked to juicy.


Access Key Id : ASIA6GG7PSQG6KEM6E7Z
Secret Access Key : NGMKgOhkI8D3jRu7dCYDepbXWD2hFsO3bQtkp1Ha

Also, One more URL,


SecretAccessKey : f05WRER50vm160b87ar+wJnoVxz1O9gv+nD/CTVg
"Expiration" : "2021-12-21T15:22:46Z"

Now after the configure profile command from the aws-shell

Command: aws configure — profile level3

Now, from the .aws folder in the user/(youruser)/.aws directory edit the credentials file and add the aws_sesssion_token = the token you just got above.

Now let’s try to see the s3 buckets.

Now, just copy the directory ddcc78ff/ and append it after the level 6 URL.

Bingo We’re at level 6

